Michael White
Michael White was born in Cambridge, England in 1953.
He had no formal training in art or photography, but was encouraged to learn how to draw the human figure by his artist Father and Michael’s Mother taght him respect for women.
Michael White has worked as a graphic designer and illustrator for over 25years.
Photography has always been a passion, and from that passion – nude and erotic photography has become a serious part of my professional work.
I love how the camera can capture more than static pose, people move – and their movement can be recorded. The erotic potential of being allowed to capture a thought, a gesture, a mood, or a movement in a fraction of a second is very exciting.
Digital photography has given me more freedom to pursue this idea. I can shoot many many images of a model just being herself – or I can work in natural situations without the restriction that film cameras used to impose on the photographer. In this way fresh spontaneous and unusual images emerge.
I love erotic suggestion rather than the obvious, natural light on the form and texture of the human body; the erotic potential of everyday situations brought into focus for a split second.
I think that realism with all of its imperfections is more erotic than overworked, clichéd or false images. Pus I hate retouching pictures. It’s really boring!
‘Good pictures can be planned. Great pictures just happen’.